Since 2001, Onsite Medical Service has been providing annual on-site medical services to manufacturing and municipal clients. We can also provide fire department physicals for Hazmat and Non-Hazmat members. We have over 1,200 satisfied customers in the surrounding 20 state area.
Fire Department Physicals:
- Our current services include: Audiometric Testing, Respirator Medical Evaluations, Qualitative and Quantitative Respirator Fit Testing, Vision Screening, Wellness Testing, Custom Molded Hearing Protection, and SCBA user exams.
- Sample Annual Surveillance would include: Respiratory Questionnaire Review, Pulmonary Function Test, Vital Signs, Resting EKG, Dip UA, and Mantoux.
- Sample Hazmat would include in addition to above: Complete Health History, Vision (with Color), Audio Test, Chem. 170 W/CBC, Lead, ZPP, Chest X-Ray and MD exam.

What is so unique about Onsite Medical Service Fire Department Physicals?
All of your medical surveillance testing necessities can be completed at one quick and convenient appointment. We provide the ease of delivering results without any delay. Onsite Medical Service can design individual programs based upon the needs of each department. Establishing a thorough baseline for each individual is most often recommended, allowing our physicians to review histories to determine appropriate testing in accordance with OSHA 1910.156, OSHA 1910.120, and NFPA 1582 guidelines.
The exam packages are the basic physician or a comprehensive physical.
The Basic Physical includes:
- Medical Clearance/ Questionnaire Review
- Pulmonary Function Test
- Urinalysis
- Blood Pressure
The Comprehensive Exam includes:
- Medical Clearance/ Questionnaire Review
- Pulmonary Function Test
- Urinalysis
- Blood Pressure
- Hearing Test
- Vision Test
- Blood Test
Additionally, Fit Testing is completed to assure the proper fit of a respirator. Qualitative and Quantitative are performed and this is an annual requirement.
Other services, including chest X-rays and comprehensive blood tests are available upon request.

Let us know how our team can help you, we will contact you with reliable solutions.